2024 NXL Lone Star Major Unveils New Layout

The National Xball League (NXL) has officially released the for the 2024 Lone Star Major, setting the stage for what promises to be a thrilling competition. Paintball teams from around the nation are set to converge in Texas, equipped with strategies to navigate the new challenges posed by this innovative layout.
A Closer Look at the New Layout
The layout features a diamond shaped 50 (center bunkers), a SUPER long linear snake, and a corner to corner Dorito side that is essentially in a line. 5 back line bunkers and just a couple bunkers in the middle will push the gameplay to the tapes, and will incentivize teams to send someone up the middle early or risk getting caught in a no-man's land if they make later moves when the opponent has a player up the field on the tapes.

Learning from the Experts

To aid teams and fans alike in understanding the intricacies of the new layout, the NXL will be hosting the Coaches Show on YouTube. This show is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to delve deeper into the strategic elements of the layout. Viewers can expect detailed analyses, expert opinions, and insider tips on how to master the layout from seasoned coaches and professional players.
View the show at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfQs3Cujy4w